domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

I remind you the following information:
  • See you on Wednesday, January 7th. (We have a class to review the topics seen in the course and have a questions session.
  • January 8th is the 'Departamental' Exam
Group 101 and 112 the 'departamental' exam is at 8 o'clock, so please, be at school at 7.45 am. ALL OF YOU!!!!

Remember that you have 1.30 minutes to take your exam, so study hard!

Finally, my best wishes for you all this holidays. Hope all your dreams come true!!! and work hard to get them! Enjoy this time with your beloved ones.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2009.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008



The list of links for this week is classified as follows.

1. Vocabulary practise. This is a puzzle because I think you like it.

puzzle food

2. Questions and answers. This is for identification of present continuous and present simple.


3. This is from a very nice webpage (ompersonal). There are listening, writing and reading exercises. Work on only FOUR pages!! They are about food, countable and uncountable nouns and some writing exercises.



1. En la sesión de la semana pasada hicimos unos ejercicios de audio de los cuales vimos cuatro estrategias. Sin embargo, parece ser que no las consideraron para el ejercicio de las entrevistas. ¿Por qué? Tienen alguna otra forma de comprender un audio en inglés que quieran compartir con los demás? Pensando en el examen final... ¿Cómo responderían la sección de audio si sólo pueden escuchar la conversación tres veces?

2. Sustantivos contables e incontables. ¿Existen en español? ¿Hay equivalentes? ¿Cómo traducimos 'some' y 'any'?

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008


This week we are learning some of the most common occupations or jobs in English. The list of activities is divided into three parts:

2. Structures in Present Simple
3. Listening Jobs
Go to the links and answer the exercises.

1. Vocabulary

a) Fill in the gaps

b) Crossword Puzzle

2. Structures in Present Simple

a) Negatives

b) Video (After you see the video, click the 'PLAY THIS GAME' and do the exercise.


It is clear that for the listening exercises you need to practice more!! You can listen again and again until you understand what people say. But you can also use some strategies. For example:

1. Don't try to understand every single word you hear.
2. Answer the questions in the exercise. If you finish the exercise with no difficutlties to UNDERSTAND the context, then, your task is completed.
3. Don't need to uderstand the details.

TASK: Listen to the interviews with different people. Choose the most appropirate answer (A, B, or C) for the following statements. In the comments section report the answers to the listening section as follows: Listening: c,a,b,a,...). In the second part of the video you can check your answers.

1. Does the photographer like her job?

a) Yes, she does.
b) No, she doesn’t.
c) She doesn’t know.

2. Lynn is Bill’s...

a) wife
b) sister
c) friend

3. How many days does Lillian work a week?

a) three to four days.
b) two days a week.
c) five days a week.

4. Eileen works:

a) at home.
b) in an office.
c) in a school.

5. What language does Ken teach?

a) French
b) Portuguese
c) English

6. Elton basically writes about:

a) education
b) social topics
c) international affairs

7. Paula is Jack’s …

a) fiancé
b) boyfriend
c) friend

8. Where does Pauline work?

a) Miami
b) New York
c) New Jersey



1. ¿En la sección de vocabulario qué tal te fue en el crucigrama?
2. El tiempo presente simple en inglés tiene ciertos matices en su elaboración de oraciones. Cuáles consideras que son los principales problemas que enfrentas al realizar oraciones / preguntas en inglés? Comenta al respecto.
3. Tuviste fallas al momento de responder el ejercicio de audio?? ¿Cuáles fueron? Explica.
4. Reporta las respuestas al ejercicio de audio.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008


Exercise 1
'There is and there are'. Click in the following links and answer the exercises.

Exercise 1a.

Exercise 1b.

Exercise 1c.

Exercise 2
Listening. Seven conversations. Answer the questions abut the seven conversations.

Seven conversations


1. What is your favorite room in your house or apartment? Why? (Include three lines describing your favorite room. (In English)
2. Vocabulary you did not understand. Examples + concepts or definitions. (In Spanish)
3. Problems when listening to the conversations in exercise number 2. How can you solve these problems? (In Spanish)

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008


For the week November 17th to November 21st I have a list of five activities you are working with.
Present simple 1

Present simple 2

Present simple 3

Present simple 4

Youtube video

Answer the following questions about the video and include the answers in your comment:

a) What time does he get up?
b) What does he have for breakfast?
c) What color T-shirt does he wear?
d) What time is he meeting his friend?

QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER FOR THE COMMENT. (In Spanish, except number 4)

1. Problems you had when you answered the activities. Explain.
2. Word that you don't know + their meaning.
3. Answers about the video.
4. Write 3 ideas about you and your family's daily routine. (In English!)

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008


The activities in the blog are related to the topics seen in class.
You are going to work with the activities presented in this blog every week.
  1. Read the instructions for each activity.
  2. At the end of the activities, there are some instuctions of what you have to write in your comment. (Remember that your comment has to answer the questions)
  3. Click on the "comentarios" and a window will be opened.
  4. Follow the instructions to write your comment to publish.
  5. Write your name and group. For example (Bety, Meif 101 / José Meif 112)

Remember three things:

1. Everybody can read your comment.
2.The deadline to post a comment is (Fridays before 22:59 hrs).
3. The work that you report every week will be evaluated at the end of the course.



1. Offer more opportunities for students to for students to practice English outside the classroom and learn from autonomous learning in the English language.


1. To practice English outside the classroom which is oriented on the four main skills.
2. To offer students with more opportunities to be in touch with English outside the classroom.
3. To provide university students with more autonomous learning activities.
4. To exchange opinions between students and the facilitator regarding language learning, practice, and improvement. it can also be used as a means for asking questions about a certain topic or language aspect.
5. To show students a different way to study English by means of technology.
6. To take advantage of technology to evaluate students.